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Polyamory for the PracticalThe Polyamorous MisanthropeWelcome to the The Polyamorous Misanthrope, in which myself, the Goddess of Java, or some guest columnist will rant, rave and otherwise edify on some poly subject. If you have an idea for a column or a rant on spike, contact me and we'll talk it over. For past articles, check out the Archive . Yet again, Mama Java, she's had it up to her eyeballs! I'm tired of seeing this: Well, Mr. I'm Searching for a Hot Bi Babe, that's nice you want to get laid and all, but we're about polyamory. What you're talking about is just swinging! What the hell is it with the poly community sneering at the swingers? I'm sick of it, I tellya! I am serious. Had it up to my eyeballs and wanna rip on someone. It comes from several places. For one thing, what's wrong with swinging? Seriously. I don't sneer at it, think it is a lesser form of sex or anything like that. If we're coming from a place that says sex is okay, that monogamy is not the only way to be, why say swinging is bad? Not to your taste? Okay, that's fine. There are plenty of things that are to my taste and that aren't. These don't make me better/more moral/more spiritually advanced. It's just what might rock my socks or not. These are the arguments I tend to see:
I find the attitude many poly people have about swinging just mind-numbingly hypocritical, and I would really like it if we'd rethink the attitude. In all honesty, I have to wonder why we hang on to such attitudes? What the heck are we afraid of? Being called a slut? <shrug> Sticks-n-stones, luv! Having people look down on our relationships? Get over it. No, they're not going to be respected and sneering at people won't help them to be that way. Someday, maybe, we will have multiple relationships treated with dignity, but if public opinion is that damned important to you, why the heck are you poly? The swingers don't get up in arms about what we say about them. ![]()
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