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Polyamory for the PracticalA Poly Hospital StayThe Goddess of Giggle Speaks: There are many benefits to the polyamorous life or poly family, but I personally have a story to attest to the very real benefit that can be enjoyed when one has the luxury of relying on more than one person to tend to their needs. I didn't know there was anything wrong with me and as I stepped out of the shower I felt great except for a small amount of pain in my abdomen. But, as I prepared myself for my physical appointment, and annual PAP smear (ironically) the pain began to increase very quickly. By the time I had dried off and combed my hair, the pain became unbearable. I started to sweat and moan. My wife, The Goddess of Java, came to ask after me and I explained somewhat unclearly how bad the pain was. She asked me if I wanted to keep the doctor's appointment or go to the hospital. It soon became apparent that I didn't really have a choice. The pain was driving me to my knees, and my cries were disturbing the children. So, my husband drove me to the emergency room. Not once did I have to worry about who would care for my daughter, because my wife, who I trust with her more than anyone outside my marriage, was already with her. In fact, there have been very few times since the four of us moved I together when any of the children had any less than two parents around. We got to the hospital, and I wish that I could tell you how long I was in the waiting room, but I was not aware of the time that passed, all I could do was try to concentrate on breathing through the pain and preventing myself from hyperventilating. My husband, AKA: the Beast, was with me the whole time, holding my hand and trying to get me the best possible care. I could tell that he was scared for me, but he was holding it together beautifully. Still, I did not worry for the kids. I didn't even have to think about it. I knew instinctively that they were in good hands. Finally, I was in an ER examination room. They ran all kinds of tests, including a CAT scan and an ultrasound before they diagnosed me with a large ovarian cystic tumor. By this time, my wife and my other husband, The Prince, had arrived at the hospital with the children. It was apparent to the doctor that there was no treatment aside from surgery, and I was admitted. I was scheduled for surgery the next afternoon. The Beast and The Goddess of Java left with the children, and The Prince stayed with me through the admission process, a terrible late night hospital dinner and a night of interrupted sleep. I was in a comfy hospital bed and The Prince crunched up on an extendable (though, not nearly long enough) vinyl sofa. I spent a total of three nights in the hospital, and I never spent a night alone. My husbands took turns sleeping on the uncomfortable visitor couch in my room. After my surgery, one of my spice was almost always there for me and they helped me to the bathroom, poured me drinks and just kept me company (something I desperately needed). If it were just The Beast and I, I would have had to spend most of my hospital stay alone while The Beast took care of our daughter. Still groggy from the pain meds, I left the hospital with
The Prince. I came home on a beautiful Saturday afternoon to a home
filled with love and people doing their best to make me comfortable. I
didn't have to worry about my children's needs, they were taken care of
and so were mine. For the week following, all my needs were cared
for, including the occasional admonishment for trying to push myself to
far, too fast. But thanks to the abundance of care that I did receive
(and my own stubbornness) my recovery was easier and quicker than I every
could have hoped for. There is definitely something to be said for
the therapeutic value of the deep abiding and tender love of a spouse
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